posted June, 2022

50th Anniversary Charrette

May 7th @ PS3



Event kick off:   PS 3 Teachers Sing their Original Parody, "Charrette, Charrette" 


YouTube video:  



 Discussion in student classrooms:  


Notes posted for review during break:  


Charrette Topics

Topic 1: Independence: Meeting the Academic Needs of our Diversity of Learners


Topic Prompts:

  1. How do we meet individual students where they are, providing challenges for all?
  2. How can we do a better job at supporting our students with disabilities both in ICT and our children with autism in the ASD Horizons program?


Topic 2: Innovation: Engaging Curriculum

Topic Prompts:

  1. How do we promote and support Project Based Learning throughout all grade levels utilizing all resources, whether they be existing curriculum, community resources, teacher knowledge and spontaneous community inspiration?
  2. How do we support the integration of arts, social studies, and STEM into PS3 curricula?


Topic 3: Community: Building and Sustaining

Topic Prompts:

  1. How can decision making about the culture and curriculum of the school, and the priorities of the PTA, be better balanced among all stakeholders? How do we engage a more diverse group of PTA members (e.g., families who live further away; those who do not have time to be at the school; those historically underrepresented in the community) in that decision making?
  2. How can we support the social and emotional wellbeing of all members of the PS3 community coming out of this pandemic?


Topic 4: Community: Citizenship and Engagement

Topic Prompts:

  1. How do we strengthen and deepen relationships and partnerships both inside and outside the school building?
  2. How can we develop accessible actions and conversations that highlight the racial, cultural and learning experiences in our community that can lead to community led actions of change?



posted May 1, 2022












 posted April 10, 2022


Announced in the April PTA meeting, the PTA executive board developed the following


Charrette Guiding Question 


As our community emerges from the pandemic, what does it look like to create joyful learning experiences, nurture our children, and ensure that they become active members of a more just and sustainable future? 


Please use the PTA Charrette Padlet to share your vision of how we could accomplish this. Dream big and get creative. You can post one word, a wish, an essay, a song or an image, it's up to you.






 posted March 15, 2022




PS 3 PTA Community Charrette | 490 Hudson Street | Saturday May 7th 


PS 3 is hosting a charrette!  A cha-what?

PS 3 was established in 1971 through a collaborative community workshop process known as a  “charrette” - which is how we became “The Charrette School” - with a mission of integrating arts and creativity within a rigorous curriculum, cultivating a joyful learning environment and welcoming caregivers and extended community into the school.  


In later years, the school name was amended in honor of the innovative founding principal who led the community from 1971 through 1990 becoming the “The John Melser Charrette School”.  Every few years, PS 3: The John Melser Charrette School honors its name by holding a school-wide “charrette” to review and discuss its values and plan for the future.


What is a charrette? 

Every few years, we honor our founding process by holding a charrette to take stock and plan for the future. We explore our community’s hopes and dreams and plan a school-wide event where we discuss, share and workshop ideas. We complete the process by collectively envisioning what’s next, and make feasible plans of action to achieve our desired outcomes.


Why are we doing it?

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary as a school and emerge from the pandemic we feel the time is right to gather our PS 3 community together to take stock of what we have experienced and overcome and to look ahead.  We want to reflect on PS3’s core values of innovation, independence and community and share our hopes for our school by exploring the concrete ways we might further our ideals in the near future. 


How does it work?

There are many ways to participate in our Charrette, online in March and April and in person at the culminating live event on May 7th. We will start the charrette process with a school-wide survey of current PS 3 families with the goal of finding out the most important topics to be discussed when we come together. We will also gather stories from the PS3 community on an online Padlet and alumni Jamboard to learn about the deep and rich history of our school. 


Then at our next PTA meeting on April 5th we will explain how our in-person 2022 Charrette event will work. Finally, we will gather on Saturday, May 7th in our beloved building at 490 Hudson St with all of the ideas and contributions and do what we do best, creatively collaborate and dream for our greater collective.


Why should I get involved?

Your voice is a unique and vital source of inspiration for the ongoing excellence of PS 3. All interested community stakeholders are invited and encouraged to participate including students, teachers, staff and administration, caregivers and alumni. This is your chance to share and speak up about what matters most to you and to help shape PS 3 moving forward.


How do I participate?

We'd love for you to join us starting this Friday, March 25th for a new weekly Charrette 2022 Coffee Catch where we will chat about the charrette process.


Next week we will send you a charrette specific survey to complete (not to be confused with the DOE survey which you should also fill out) and we would love for you and the family to attend and participate at the in-person event on May 7th at PS 3.  Invitation and RSVP to come in April.



Please email for further information and to volunteer in the Charrette process.


For the most up to date DOE School Visitor Policy, click here.


Charrette Drawing by PS 3 caregiver and artist, Elif Uras.


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