Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find a copy of the School Handbook?
Here is a link to the school handbook. Our PS3 community’s rules and guidelines can be found here.
How do I subscribe to the school email list?
Please email PS3 Parent Coordinator
How do I subscribe to the PTA email list?
Please register here
What is the procedure to follow if my child will be absent?
DOE will track and follow up upon the attendance for every student every day (Monday through Friday).
Families must notify the main office of any pre-planned absences. If your child has an unplanned absence, you can notify the school by filling out this form. Be sure to also email your classroom teacher. If needed, please provide a signed note either from a doctor or a guardian to the classroom teacher. All absences must be documented in writing.
If your child will be out for more than three days, you are required to provide a written explanation. Families are strongly encouraged to use the DOE calendar for guidance when planning personal vacations. A student is considered truant if he or she is out of school without a valid reason (illness, religious holiday, family emergency).
What is the procedure if my child needs to leave school early on a particular day?
Early pick-up should be reserved for emergencies. In the event that you need to pick up your child early, please call the office at (212) 691-1183 to alert the staff. Then a staff member will escort the child to the blue doors on Hudson St. You must pick up your child before 2:15 p.m. Should you arrive after 2:15pm to pick up your child, you will need to wait until the regular 2:30pm dismissal time. No exceptions!
How do I contact the School Nurse and where is the Nurse’s Office?
The School Nurse is located in Room 304. Generally, sick children will be brought to the main office to be picked up.
What school supplies are needed when school begins?
Your child’s teacher will email a list of necessary school supplies in the first days of school.
How does my child obtain breakfast and lunch?
Breakfast and Lunch are free in all New York City public schools.
All meals are prepared on-site in our kitchen. Hot breakfast will be served until 8:10 a.m., then, breakfast meals will be “Grab-and-Go” cold meals that are prepackaged. PS3 uses the PreK-8 Lunch menu. Please note that the NYC DOE is not nut free, it is Allergy Aware.
Here is a link to the breakfast menu. PS3 uses the “PreK - 8 Breakfast” Menu from 8 a.m. - 8:10 a.m., then the school segues to the “Breakfast Express” Menu for Grab-and-Go meals during arrival.
Here is the lunch menu.
Grab-and-go meals will be available for breakfast each day. Grab-and-go meals will be available at pickup points within the school.
During meals and snacks, students will be directed to not share food or beverages.
Students will also be permitted to bring their own lunch if preferred.
Students will be expected to clean their hands before and after meals/snacks.
Where is the Lost and Found?
The Lost and Found is kept in the cafeteria. It may take a few days for items to make their way to the Lost and Found, so check back often. Items will be donated quarterly to charity.
How do I know if school has been canceled due to adverse weather conditions?
Sign up at this link to receive emergency alerts for your school through the Notify NYC emergency alert system:
Check the DOE’s website, as they will post school closing information on their homepage
We will send a schoolwide email blast if possible.
What is the role of the Parent Coordinator?
The Parent Coordinator is an employee of the NYC Department of Education and works on-site under the direct supervision of the Principal. The Parent Coordinator is responsible for encouraging and promoting active involvement by the families in their children’s education and making school more welcoming to the families.
In addition to the Principal and the staff, the Parent Coordinator is an important point of contact for families of the school.
Unlike parent volunteers working in a school, the Parent Coordinator is on staff and can work within the school to direct the families to the appropriate places where they can find the information they are seeking.
How do I set up an NYC Schools Account or a MySchools Account?
Read here about the NYC Schools Account. Read here about the MySchools Account. If you need help setting up either account, please email Christina Lowe, our Parent Coordinator.
We get so many forms each September. Can I fill out one set for both my kids?
No, it is imperative that the school has up-to-date information at the ready for each child. The lunch form is also important, even if your child brings his/her own lunch, as the Department of Education requires schools to have these on file.
When will my child need to get a late pass?
If your child comes in late and does not sign the Late Book, your child is marked absent for the day. A child who comes in late misses critical learning time.
If you are more than 5 minutes late and your child’s class has already entered the building, please bring your child through the main doors on Hudson Street to the lobby. Although a staff member will be available to escort your child to class, please make the effort to be on time so that your child can walk in with their peers and benefit from a smooth transition supported by their teacher.
A late book will be in the lobby - Please sign your child into the late book. Your child may be marked absent if you do not sign the late book.
What’s the earliest I can drop off my child at school?
Early Arrival
Hot breakfast/early drop-off will be available in the cafeteria for PK-5th grade students between 8:00-8:10 am only. Families may drop their PS3 students off at the main doors during that window time only. Students must walk independently to the cafeteria for breakfast with hallway and cafeteria staff supervision.
No students will be able to enter the PS3 school building between 8:10-8:15 am unless they are arriving via school bus. Students arriving at 8:10 am or after must line up with their class around the perimeter of the school building. If needed, they may take a grab-and-go cold breakfast upon entering with their class.
Regular morning arrival for all students is at 8:15 am. Arrival occurs around the perimeter of the school building on Hudson, Grove, and Bedford.
Do not leave your child unattended.
Arrival and dismissal takes place outside, rain or shine! There is no alternate location for inclement weather.
Please see the map of arrival/dismissal spots to assist you in finding your child’s line up spot. Each class has a specific spot marked outside in the general area of the door they will use to enter the building. Please help your child be in line at 8:15 am.
Teachers in all grades will greet students outside by class signs at their official arrival time and escort classes inside. Families will say goodbye outdoors for all grades.
Grab and go breakfast meals are available upon entry.
Can I get a message to my child during the day?
The office staff cannot transfer you to your child’s teacher, but will happily relay a message. Please call 212-691-1183 prior to 1:45 as after which they must turn their attention to dismissal.
My child usually brings in lunch but sometimes likes to eat hot lunch. Is that ok?
Yes, all lunch is free at New York City public schools. All meals are prepared on-site in our kitchen. Because of COVID-19, meals will be “Grab and Go” cold meals that are prepackaged. Please note that the NYC DOE is not nut free. The monthly school menu can be found here.
How does PS3 pay for all its wonderful enrichment programs, like clay and music?
One word: community. PS3 holds many events, like the Antiquarian Book Fair, PS3 Auction, and PS3 Marathon Team, to build our community and raise money necessary for our enrichment programs. Our most important fundraiser is the Direct Drive, referred to as 3Fund. We simply ask each PS 3 family to give what they can. Donations range from $10 to $30,000 and every dollar is equally appreciated and crucial in making PS 3 an amazing place for our children to learn.
What is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individualized Education Program. The IEP is the tool that ensures a student has access to the general education curriculum and is provided the appropriate learning opportunities, accommodations, adaptations, specialized services and supports needed for the student to progress towards achieving the learning standards and to meet his or her unique needs related to the disability.
Parents work with educators to develop a plan — the individualized education plan (IEP) — to help kids succeed in school. The IEP describes the goals the team sets for a child during the school year, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them.
More information can be found here.
What is an ICT class?
Integrated Collaborative Teaching or ICT classes pair a general ed and special ed teacher in a classroom that has up to 40 percent children with IEPs. Both sets of students benefit from the smaller student to teacher ratio.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 13
- Tuesday, January 14
- Wednesday, January 15
- Thursday, January 16
- Friday, January 17
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, January 21
- Wednesday, January 22
- Thursday, January 23