Fundraising & Budgeting FAQs

Why is fundraising so important to the P.S. 3 PTA?

P.S. 3 offers many academic necessities and enrichment opportunities for our children, which families have come to love and expect. As you may have realized, public school funding is not what it used to be.  When we were children, it seemed that all the PTA needed to do was run a bake sale or a movie night to support an enrichment program in their school. Times have changed. Public education budget cuts are real. And raising money to help support the educational activities in our school is one of the primary jobs of our PTA. Our school and our children need us.


How do we do it: FUND-raise & FUN-raise!

Because P.S. 3 is a moderately large school with 550 students and an economically diverse parent body, the P.S. 3 PTA aims to host a wide variety of fundraisers so that every family can contribute in the way that is comfortable for them. Typically, 60% of the budget is raised through direct giving in the fall and 40% in the spring through events. Participation is our goal. Some families like to bid on class art, some like to sponsor a runner in the marathon, some like to purchase tickets to events and some prefer to give directly. The P.S. 3 PTA also hosts many FUNraisers where the focus is on community and fun. These include some of our children’s favorite events such as the Square Dance, the Talent Show, Art Park, and Spring Fling. We FUNDraise and FUNraise collectively so that parents help not only their own children but the entire student body. Community is at the heart of what we do.


Who decides how the P.S. 3 PTA funds are spent?

Each Spring, the P.S. 3 PTA votes on a budget for the following school year. The budget is created by the PTA Budgetary Committee, who meet over many weeks to determine what the school needs are and the matching fundraising needs for the next school year will be. The budget is informed by members of the Executive Board and PTA members who work throughout the year raising funds, organizing events, and supporting our parent-teacher community.  As parents and caregivers of a child enrolled at P.S. 3, you are automatically a member of the PTA and you vote to decide how to fundraise and where to distribute the funds.


Can the company I work for make a donation?  


Absolutely. Companies can make a tax deductible donation to P.S. 3 and may sometimes offer the opportunity to double or even triple individual donations through their matching programs. Learn more about corporate matching here.


What is the best way to give?


To ensure that 100% of your donation goes directly to P.S. 3 without any fees taken out, checks are the best way to give. Learn about a few other ways to give here.

  • Please make checks payable to "SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL PS3" or "SCC PS3". 
  • Indicate "3FUND + CHILD NAME + CLASS" in the memo line
  • Pease include your address for verification of contribution and tax receipts.
  • Delivery: 
    • By Mail: The 3Fund, c/o PS3 490 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014
    • By Hand: Place in the PTA mailbox located on the closet door behind the School Safety Desk.

Further Questions?

Please contact Fundraising Co-Chairs, Email:


The PS 3 PTA is a registered 501(c)(3); our Tax ID is EIN 13-3570722.



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