PS3 PTA Racial Justice & Equity Committee
The PS3 PTA Racial Justice & Equity Committee invites you to join us for our inaugural Diversity and Belonging program of learning events taking place between Wednesday, May 19 and Wednesday, May 26.
The impetus for these events stems from the anti-racism justice work of the current RJE committee, and the desire to bring our community together to listen and to hear one another, to share our stories and learn what they mean personally, culturally and historically. We hope this opportunity gives us all pause to reflect on what we have in common and see the many threads that make up the unique and distinct tapestry of our school and to consider the actions we may take moving forward as we galvanize and prepare to reunite as a community back in school in the Fall.
All families are invited and encouraged to engage and participate. Grown-ups are invited to two events (synchronous and online) that kick-off and wrap-up the week’s program and in between families are invited to share their stories via our Padlet. Kids will be engaging throughout the week in-school with their teachers as well as at home.
PS3 Social: “Who We Are”
Wed 05/19 | 5:30-6:30 pm
Meeting Link | ID: 856 5258 0294 | Password: popovers | One tap mobile: +16465588656
To kick-off the week and get us started PS3 caregivers are holding a community social hour to explore our stories together. In this synchronous social we will learn through the use of prompts, how to craft our unique, individual family histories into stories to share with our community. See PS3 Community Padlet section next.
Wed 05/19 – Wed 05/26
Throughout the week, all members of the PS3 community are invited to asynchronously share their contributions on our community Padlet in response to prompts that invite us to tell our stories through text, images, video, or other means of expression.
The prompts are:
- Who are my people?
- At my school, I am.../In my family, I am…
- A tradition I carry on is…
- My American story started when…
- One thing I wish you knew about me
- My family chooses to (a new tradition we’ve made)...
Please add your stories to the Padlet here.
Diversity & Belonging Panel: “Community Congress: From Words to Belonging”
Wed 05/26 | 7:00-8:30 pm
Meeting Link | ID: 881 2942 0907 | Password: tamago | One tap mobile: +16465588656
In this closing synchronous online event a panel (PS3 caregiver, teacher, and educational researcher) will distill and weave together threads from the stories we’ve shared, leading us into a group discussion of what we can learn as a school community.
It is our hope that our community can start to begin conversations about what equity and justice can mean for P.S. 3 and how we might shape our understandings, practices, and values so that everyone may feel belonging to and ownership of our community.
Stay tuned for further details about the Diversity and Belonging learning events! We are one community, made up of several strands. Let’s learn to embrace and strengthen our interconnections!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27
- Friday, February 28
- Tuesday, March 4
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7